2018年3月13日 星期二

What is fairtrade?

What is fairtrade?

Why fairtrade is needed? 

Do you know that over 90 percent of what you spend on your daily cup of coffee goes into the pockets of traders and coffee companies? Do you know that coffee farmers often have to give in to a price that is only a small part of the coffee’s value? Coffee beans are grown by the farmers or workers. Traders buy the beans and sell them to other countries, and large companies bring this product to consumers. Coffee farmers and workers in developing countries are usually isolated from the coffee market, so they are unable to get what they deserve for their work. Usually, they can’t decide the price of their coffee beans and have no choice but to agree with the price offered by the traders. Fair trade guarantees a safe working environment and a minimum price for their coffee beans. The farmers can earn better incomes, and this can be three to five times as much as they earned before. They can hold on to their land and build a better life for their families.
